SCUSC Code Of Decorum
2021-22 SCUSC Code Of Decorum
We have a responsibility to promote high standards of behavior in the sport. SCUSC implements this Code of Decorum to ensure soccer is enjoyed in a safe, positive, and fun environment. Youth soccer is a time for players to develop their technical, physical, tactical and social skills. Winning isn’t everything. Coaches, match officials, and players make mistakes. These are opportunities to learn and grow. Unsporting, rude, and abusive behavior is contrary to the Club’s mission and will not be tolerated.
At no time shall you, as a parent/guardian, become involved in an altercation whether on the sideline or away from the field with other spectators before, during or after any SCUSC game or event (home or away). In the event this occurs or you bring discredit to the club, SCUSC reserves the right to investigate the incident thoroughly and take any necessary actions to protect the reputation and image of the club.
Failure to comply with the Code of Decorum can result in disciplinary measures up to and including dismissal from the Club. The Code of Decorum for Coaches, Team Managers and Club Officials can be found at
Spectators and Parents/Guardians – I will:
- remember that children play for FUN and applaud effort and good play as well as success
- always respect the match officials’ decisions
- remain outside the field of play and within the Designated Spectators’ Area
- let the coaches do their job and not confuse the players by telling them what to do
- encourage the players to respect the opposition, referee and match officials
- avoid criticizing a player for making a mistake – mistakes are part of learning
- never engage in, or tolerate, offensive, insulting, or abusive language or behavior
- never disparage or insult a teammate, coach or staff, including on social media
I understand that if I do not follow the Code, any or all of the following actions may be taken by Space Coast United Soccer Club, I may be:
- issued with a verbal warning from a club official
- required to meet with a club official or club committee
- obliged to undertake an education course
- obliged to leave the match venue by the club
- requested by the club not to attend future games
- required to leave the club along with any dependents
Players – When playing soccer, I will:
- always play to the best of my ability
- play fairly – I won’t cheat, complain or waste time
- respect my teammates, the other team, the referee, and my coach/manager
- play by the rules, as directed by the referee
- shake hands with the other team and referee at the end of the game
- listen and respond to what my coach/team manager tells me
- when unhappy, talk to the coach and if not resolved, to the director
I understand that if I do not follow the Code, any or all of the following actions may be taken by Space Coast United Soccer Club, I may be:
- required to apologize to my teammates, the other team, referee, and/or coach/manager
- warned formally by the coach or the board of directors
- substituted
- suspended from training
- required to leave the club
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