2024-25 Competitive Registration Fees

2024-25 Competitive Registration Fees

Registration and Training Fees include the expenses of rostering your child to US Club or FYSA, league entry fees, professional training, facility expenses, insurance, and other club-related costs.

Team fees are separate (not included in the registration), collected by the club and held in a team account, and split by the number of players. Team fees cover tournament registrations, coach travel expenses, needed supplies and other team expenses.


Uniforms are ordered directly from Soccer.com. During registration, you will indicate your number preferences. Our Uniform Coordinator submits the information to Soccer.com, and you will receive an email with a link to order the required items.

SCUSC 2023-2025 Puma Uniform Kit

Team Stripe Jersey
Qty: 1
$35.94Black Socks
Qty: 1
White Home Jersey
Qty: 1
$39.79White Socks
Qty: 1
Red Training Jersey
Qty: 1
$55.19Warmup Jacket
Qty: 1
Black Shorts Jersey
Qty: 1
$18.47SCUSC Backpack
Qty: 1
Training Jerseys And Black Socks Are Worn To Every Practice. You May Choose To Purchase More Than The Minimum.
Total Kit: $291.76

new competitive kit


What Additional Team Expenses Are There?

We do not bundle team expenses with registration fees as this type of fee structure places an unfair burden on families with players on teams competing in fewer or less expensive events than teams that participate in more tournaments and elite events out-of-state. Therefore, in addition to the program fees explained above, the members of each team are responsible for sharing the costs of team-specific expenses such as:
  • Tournament registration fees
  • Non-league referee fees (for example, scrimmages officiated by certified referees)
  • Coach travel expenses for out-of-county games and tournaments
  • Each family’s own travel expenses associated with team commitments

Fees are equal per player whether attending every event or not.


Upon accepting a position on a Space Coast United Competitive Program Team you are required to pay the full registration fees for the entire year, even if you leave the club prior to the end of the season. We do review exceptional cases for consideration of a refund. Examples may include season-ending injuries, family relocation of a distance that prohibits regular play with the Club, and other special or unusual circumstances.

NOTE: Space Coast United SC will only consider a refund if a player is injured while participating in a Space Coast United SC sanctioned practice, game, or activity resulting in the player’s inability to complete the remainder of the soccer year. No refunds will be given in the event such injury occurs in the final 2 months of the soccer year.

See our Full Refund Policy and Procedure Here Refund Policy