
Upon accepting a position on a Space Coast United Competitive Program Team you are required to pay the full registration fees for the entire year, even if you leave the club prior to the end of the season. We do review exceptional cases for consideration of a refund. Examples may include season-ending injuries, family relocation of a distance that prohibits regular play with the Club, and other special or unusual circumstances.

NOTE: Space Coast United SC will only consider a refund if a player is injured while participating in a Space Coast United SC sanctioned practice, game, or activity resulting in the player’s inability to complete the remainder of the soccer year.  No refunds will be given in the event such injury occurs in the final 2 months of the soccer year.

SCUSC Refund Policy

ARREARS: Players who become more than 2 months behind in their payments or team fees may have their player pass pulled and become ineligible to play. If payments are not brought current by May 15 of the current season, the account will be placed in “bad standing” with FYSA or US Club, which restricts their rostering with any affiliated club until the balance is paid in full.

REFUND REQUESTS: The Club will consider refund requests for two reasons. 1) The player is unable to complete the season for medical reasons. 2) The family has relocated out of area and commuting to SCU facilities would constitute an unreasonable hardship. It is the family’s responsibility to contact if either of these two reasons occur. Team Fees are not refunded.

Space Coast United SC will only consider a refund if a player is injured while participating in a Space Coast United SC sanctioned practice, game or activity resulting in the player’s inability to complete the remainder the soccer year. No refunds will be given in the event such injury occurs in the final 2 month(s) of the soccer year.

PRO-RATING OF REFUNDS: The Club incurs fixed costs immediately upon player registration regardless of whether a player is active with Space Coast United for one week, one month, or the full year. If a player is determined to be eligible for a refund due to the exceptional circumstances above, it will be pro-rated based upon the length of time remaining between the request for release and May 31 less any incurred administrative and program costs. Team Fees are not prorated.

TRANSFER/RELEASE POLICY: Players are making a one-year commitment, June 10 – May 31 of the current season. Requests for transfers or release prior to the end of the seasonal year are not guaranteed and will only be executed if it does not negatively affect the team in the determination of the Club President AND the Director of Coaching. If such a release is granted, the player/family is still obligated to pay the current fees in full plus a transfer/release fee.