Adult League

Winter League Starts
November 8th


adult league logo

East Coast Adult Soccer League (ECASL)

Coed league:
o 8 v 8 format
o 35-minute halves 
 with a 5-minute half time
– mandatory water break in each half
– each team must have a manager

Team or Player registration is via GotSport. (Please contact Bev Gibbs at for team registrations.) For assistance in creating an  account, click on the link How-to-create-a-New-Account-while-registering-for-a-program.

During the player registration process, you will be prompted to enter a team name. You  should receive the team’s name from the team manager. Players who are on a team that  registered as a team will receive a registration voucher code from the team manager. A  headshot will need to be uploaded during registration, passport format. Player passes  will be used for game check-in. 

You will be required to read and accept the league rules and regulations during the  registration process. 

The team/player registration fee covers team registration fee with USSSA, referee fee,  referee assignor fee, GotSport registration fee and league overhead costs. 

Games will be held at Viera Regional Park (2300 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Melbourne, FL  32940). 

Recommended Uniform Vendor: 

  • Adrian Ramos 
  • 2-week lead time


Winter League 2024-2025

  • Format 8 v 8
  • Maximum 20 Team League with 8 Round Robin Games
    – 2 Divisions; Premier Division and Division 1
    – Top two teams in the table/ division advance to Finals
  • $150 Prize for Champions at World of Beer
  • League Match Dates:  November 16th,  November 23rd , December 7th , December 14th , January 4th , January 11th , January 25th, February 1st, February 8th Finals
    -Match Start Times are 7:30pm
    Finals will be held on February 8th
  • Team Registration Deadline is November 1st at 12pm
    -Cost is $70 Per Player +player registration or a Team Registration option of $1050
  • There will be no player pool registrations accepted. You must be associated with a team.

Player Registration Link: 

Schedule and Standings link: Click Here