USYS/FYSA Extend Season Suspension

Below is the content of the latest announcement from FYSA.

TO:  All FYSA Membership

FROM:  FYSA Board of Directors & State Staff

April 21, 2020

We want to thank our members for their continued support and patience as we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. Via social media and digital platforms, the Florida soccer community has come together to practice at home and share team camaraderie. We could not be prouder of our clubs and how we have adapted at this time!

The Florida Youth Soccer Association (FYSA) Board of Directors held a meeting on April 21, 2020, to discuss how the virus continues to impact our return-to-play dates. Following the advice of US Youth Soccer (USYS) and wanting to keep our members safe, the Board of Directors has chosen to extend the mandated suspension date until May 15th, 2020. The Board of Directors will hold another meeting on May 5, 2020, to consider the remainder of the season and outline recommendations for 2020/2021 tryout dates.

Tools and resources to keep our members and families engaged are available on our website at Here are a few of the resources offered:

  • TopTekkers Soccer App
  • MOTI Sports App
  • The Florida Soccer School Educational Videos
  • BSN Sports Equipment Deals
  • USYS Resource Library

If you have any questions, please contact the FYSA State Office. We are open to assist you! United, we will see this through and be back on the field soon. Be safe, stay healthy, and since you each have a soccer ball at home, try to have some fun.


The Florida Youth Soccer Association